Case Studies

Our case studies focus on brands and products that provide lessons from real challenges and opportunities which you can use to inform business strategy. They are packed with detail including brand portfolio, pricing, and communications and marketing strategy, merchandising and distribution, and come with a check list of key lessons learned.

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Published: March 2019

Case study: Fresh Fitness Food

Born out of a frustration with the lack of access to tailored nutrition in London, Fresh Fitness Food today serves 10 cities across the UK with personalised meals delivered on a daily basis. With a strong focus on fitness and health the brand targets the busy, health-aware consumer looking to have all their meals personalised and freshly prepared for them. 

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Published: February 2019

Case study: Nocco

NOCCO, No Carbs Company, has become the most talked about energy drink brand on the Swedish market. Sales have grown by 893% since launch in 2014, and the brand's BCAA drinks are endorsed by a range of athletes and fitness influencers.

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Published: February 2019

Case study: Pastoret

Family-owned Pastoret has grown to become a $25 million brand and is an excellent example of a brand that has succeeded thanks to the Authenticity & Provenance trend. With great-tasting yoghurt products and modern branding of an artisanal product, the brand has seen impressive sales growth in the past few years. 

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Published: February 2019

Case study: The Bridge

With a strong focus on provenance and organic, Italian The Bridge offers a range of dairy alternatives from ten different plant sources. Despite now being a $30m+ brand, The Bridge still has their headquarters in the small village of San Pietro Mussolino which is where it all began 25 years ago.

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Published: January 2019

Case study: Barebells

Sweden's leading brand of protein bars launched in 2016, and made an impressive $8.1 million in its first year on the market. The products are now available in 8 markets across Europe and have become popular among athletes and health-conscious consumers.

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Published: January 2019

Case study: P3

Combining products from Kraft’s most protein-rich brands, the convenient multi-compartment snack trays from P3 have become immensly popular and sales have surged by over 150% since launch.

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Published: January 2019

Case study: ThinkThin

In the 19 years since launch, ThinkThin has grown to become a $180 million brand by selling high-protein and low-sugar products aimed at women. 

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Published: December 2018

Case study: Hippeas

Hippeas has been quoted as being one of the fastest growing natural snacking brands in the world. The brand's founder, Livio Bisterzo, was inspired by the trend for plant-based and nutrient-dense snacking and Hippeas has grown to become a $30m+ brand in two years.

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Published: December 2018

Case study: Labnosh

Taking inspiration from US-based Soylent, university friends James Park and Yun Sei-Yeoung founded Labnosh in Seoul in 2014. Labnosh targets Millennials with their "futuristic food alternative" and managed to grow their sales by over 300% in 2016-2017. 

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Published: December 2018

Case study: Bol

When Innocent withdrew its Veg Pots range in 2014, Innocent employee Paul Brown decided to start his own company and launch the concept that way instead. Bol was born. Brown capitalised on consumers’ familiarity with the Innocent products, and Bol is set to double its sales to reach over $12m this year.

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